BNP Paribas has received the notification by the European Central Bank of the outcome of the 2018 Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process (SREP) confirming the Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) requirement that the Group has to respect on a consolidated basis.
The Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) requirement that the Group has to respect on a consolidated basis is 9.83% since 1st January 2019 (excluding the Pillar 2 guidance, not public), which includes 1.50% for the G-SIB buffer, 2.50% for the Conservation buffer, 1.25% for the Pillar 2 requirement (unchanged vs. last year) and 0.08% of countercyclical buffer. The requirement for the Tier 1 Capital is 11.33% and that for the Total Capital is 13.33%.
With a CET1 ratio at 11.8%, a Tier 1 ratio at 13.1% and a Total Capital ratio at 15.0% as at 31 December 2018, the Group is well above the regulatory requirements.
BNP Paribas &
February 18, 2019